Jan 27, 2023 • 8 min read
Remote work is becoming increasingly popular among businesses around the world. However, there are still some challenges associated with it that must be addressed. Here are some common ones along with having a remote team.
1. Communication
Communication is one of the biggest challenges remote employees face. You might think that video calls solve everything, but in reality, it doesn’t. If you’re trying to communicate across different time zones, the quality of the call could suffer. Also, if you don’t use screen sharing, you’ll lose out on visual cues like body language and facial expressions.
2. Collaboration
Working remotely isn’t always easy when people aren’t physically near each other, collaboration becomes much harder. This is where tools such as Slack come into play. They allow teams to collaborate easily regardless of location.
3. Productivity
Productivity is another challenge that comes with working remotely. Many companies offer productivity apps such as Trello and Asana. These platforms make it easier to manage projects and tasks.
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Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
As we enter the era of the gig economy, it seems like everyone wants to become a freelancer or independent contractor. But what does being a remote worker really mean? What are some of the major challenges you might face? And how do you make sure your team feels like part of the team?
Managing projects is hard work. You want to make sure everything goes smoothly, and you don’t want to waste anyone’s time. But sometimes things go wrong, whether due to human error or unforeseen circumstances. If you’re managing a large team, it can be difficult to track down every single detail about each project or to have constant virtual meetings. And even if you do find out about something, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to fix it quickly enough to prevent delays.
Using a project management tool can help you organize your projects better, making it easier to follow up on issues and know exactly where you stand with each one. By keeping a close eye on progress, you’ll avoid wasting time and resources on unnecessary tasks. Plus, you won’t have to worry about losing important information because someone accidentally deleted an email or file.
Using tools for communication allows you to easily share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more with your remote workforce. You can even use them for effective communication with others via text messaging, video conferencing, and voice calls. If you don’t like emailing around files, try instant messaging apps such as Slack, Skype, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp. These platforms let you send messages to multiple recipients and see real-time responses while maintaining social connections with your remote or hybrid team.
There are several types of remote collaboration software out there for different styles of communication, including:
Tasks are one of the most important parts of managing projects. They help us keep track of our progress, assign tasks to specific team members, and even communicate about project status. But how do we know whether we’re getting things done efficiently? And how do we make sure we’re staying productive throughout the entire process?
You’ve got to make sure you schedule time for all major tasks and projects while remembering to put aside time for breaks and breathers. Having social interaction times are also great for employee morale and building a strong company culture. There are several types of tools you can use to assist with time management and meeting your shared goals.
Working remotely is one of the most common ways people work today with more and more people becoming digital nomads rather than sticking to traditional office environments. If you are looking for a remote job opportunity, it might seem like there are plenty of options. However, there are some challenges associated with remote jobs that make the process difficult. We’ve listed three things you need to know about remote jobs.
1. You Will Need to Work Across Different Time Zones
In general, companies prefer candidates who are local to where they are based. This makes sense because they want to hire someone who is familiar with the culture, norms, and customs of their organization. As such, it becomes harder for you to find a remote job if you don’t live close enough to the company. On the flip side, you will likely find yourself working across multiple time zones. For example, let’s say you are located in New York City and the company is based in San Francisco. You’ll probably end up working late into the night while everyone else in California is waking up early.
While managing different time zones can be a challenge, it can also be a massive productivity boost for companies looking to unlock the global talent pool. DigiWorks is a platform that connects business owners with talent from emerging countries. The upside to this is that the pre-vetted and assessed talent is not only super qualified and capable but also available at a fraction of the cost of the US minimum wage. The different time zones also allow them to work flexible hours and they are able to cover whatever peak times your business and team need coverage. DigiWorks won’t just connect you with the talent but will also handle the entire hiring, onboarding, and payroll process!
2. You May Have to Share Your Preferred Time Zone With Your Teammates
If you’re working with a team, you may have to adjust your schedule to accommodate the rest of the team. When you work remotely, you usually have no control over how much time you spend in front of the computer. Depending on the type of role you are applying for, you may have to collaborate with others throughout the day. If you are working with a team and you do not agree on what works best for you, you may have to compromise.
3. You Might Not Get Paid Enough
While you might think that working remotely is great because you get to choose when you start and stop each day, the reality is that you won’t always be able to pick the hours you want. Some companies offer flexible schedules, but you still have to follow the rules of the company. Other companies pay employees less money for being remote workers. If you are worried about making ends meet, consider getting paid hourly instead of a salary. You will also need to invest in a decent internet connection.
Being alone makes people feel lonely, unmotivated, and even depressed. But being remote doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be left out in the cold. In fact, research suggests that remote workers are actually happier than those who work face-to-face and have a better work life balance.
In one study published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, researchers found that employees who worked remotely reported feeling less stressed, had better relationships with colleagues, and felt more satisfied with their jobs. They also scored higher on measures of happiness and life satisfaction.
The reason why might be because remote workers enjoy greater freedom and control over their schedules. And according to another study, the ability to choose where and how we work helps us feel like we’re making meaningful contributions to our organizations.
So if you’ve been thinking about switching to a remote position, here are some tips to help you make the transition.
If you do find yourself feeling extremely lonely and isolated co-working spaces could be a good option for you.
Remote working has become increasingly popular over the past decade. More companies are allowing employees to work from home, or even travel frequently. While this seems like a great idea, there are some drawbacks to being remote. One of the most common complaints is that many people feel disconnected while working from home. They say they’re too busy to stop what they’re doing and go out for lunch or grab a coffee break. They feel like their personal life is being neglected. But research suggests that taking breaks every hour or half hour helps improve productivity. So why do we let ourselves get distracted? Here are 8 reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid to unplug.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Loneliness is the biggest challenge for remote teams alongside things like communication, collaboration, and missing basic informal conversations and water cooler chats that would happen in the office. However, there are several tools and solutions business owners can make use of to ensure their remote team is happy and productive. Having a virtual team is definitely worth it as there are tons of ways around the challenges and it can be a massive cost saver for business owners and lead to a much healthier and more productive life for employees.
DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.
If you’re looking for a more affordable and sustainable option you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed remote workers that can take care of all your business needs but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well.