
Employee of the Month Tips Your Employees Will Love

Jan 23, 2023 • 16 min read

The holiday season is upon us, and it’s a wonderful time to show appreciation for your team members. If you don’t know where to start, we’ve got some ideas. These employee recognition programs are easy to set up and require little effort. They make everyone feel appreciated and help build morale among your team. We believe hardworking employees should be acknowledged!

Employee of the month is one of the best ways to recognize your employees. You can choose from different themes and select an editable employee template that suits your needs.

You can start simple with employee of the month certificates, gifts, email blasts and move onto some customizable employee templates for appreciation.

You’ll learn:

  • Why Celebrate Employee of the Month
  • Best practices for Employee of the Month awards

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Why Celebrate Employee of the Month?

Employee of the month awards are a great way to recognize your top performers. They help build team spirit and improve morale. They can be great for employee retention and have been shown to result in happy employees who feel appreciated. But how do you go about creating one? Here are some tips for business owners looking to reward their teams!

1. Know what motivates your entire team.

First things first: You need to know why you want to give out awards. Do you want to motivate your best salespeople? Or maybe you just want to reward customer service employees for being friendly and efficient. Whatever the reason, you must understand the motivation behind the award. Otherwise, you won’t be able to design something meaningful and effective.

2. Create a wide variety of rewards.

A good employee of the month program offers a wide range of different types of rewards. This helps everyone feel like they’re getting something special. Plus, it makes it easy to choose the perfect gift for each recipient. For example, you could offer a $100 Amazon Gift Card, a free lunch, a day off, or even a weekend away.

3. Customize your certificates.

You don’t want to send generic certificates to every member of your team. Instead, you’ll want to personalize them and use creative templates so they’re fun and engaging. If possible, include the name of the person receiving the award. Also, consider adding a photo of the winner. Not only does this show appreciation, but it gives others a sense of pride in knowing that they’re part of such a prestigious group.

Employee of the Month for Project Completion

Awarding employees for completing tasks gives them a sense of accomplishment and encourages them to continue working toward success. When you are looking for ways to recognize employee performance, consider giving out Employee of the Month awards. These types of rewards help people understand how much value they add to your organization. They also encourage workers to do even better next time around. Overall, it’s a good way to show you care about making your employees happy!

The following template includes instructions for creating an Employee of the Month award certificate. You can use it to recognize employees for completing projects or accomplishing goals. If you want to make sure everyone knows about the achievement, print the certificate and post it where employees can see it.

Template: Printable Employee of the Month Template

1. Include the employee’s full name on the certificate
2. State the reason for the award
3. Insert a personalized appreciation message
4. Use borders, colors, or images to make it look vibrant
5. Include the company logo
6. Print it out!

Employee of the Month for Sales Quota Achieved

To show appreciation for employees and in particular your sales team and their efforts, you can celebrate the sales team member with the highest number of closed sales for the month. Use a template to make sure everyone receives recognition for their hard work. This template includes a list of employees, their names, and the dates they achieved their quota. You can even add in some employee appreciation quotes!

Your sales team is what helps you generate an income so keeping them motivated and productive is essential. If you’re looking to grow your sales team you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed sales assistants that can take care of all your business needs but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well. Since DigiWorks’ talent are from emerging countries, the rates are much lower than the US minimum wage and you don’t have to deal with the risk of dealing with scammers or incompetent freelancers.

Employee of the Month for Customer Service

The effort of employees should not go unnoticed and this includes your customer service team. Customer service is one of the most important parts of running a successful business. If you don’t provide excellent customer service, it could cost you money. In fact, according to Forrester Research, around 70% of consumers say they won’t do business again with companies that don’t respond quickly to complaints. This is why it’s critical to make sure you reward your best employees with an award.

The following template provides everything you need to start recognizing your employees for outstanding customer service.

1. Include the employee’s full name on the certificate
2. State the reason for the award
3. Insert a personalized appreciation message
4. Use borders, colors, or images to make it look vibrant
5. Include the company logo
6. Print it out!

A simple certificate template that you could easily customize. This certificate template includes a text box where you can add your personal message. In addition, there is a space to include the name of the person receiving the certificate.

You can create an award certificate that will impress your clients or employees. There are many templates available on the web that you can use to make a custom certificate template.

Certificate templates are used to give certificates to people who deserve recognition. An employee appreciation certificate is one example of a certificate that you might want to create.

An employee appreciation certificate is a good way to recognize someone for performing a task well. Create a certificate template that contains the information about the recipient.

woman working remotely as a virtual assistant

Employee of the Month for Teamwork

The world we live in today is changing rapidly. We are living in a digital age where people are always online and social media plays a big part in our lives. This is why it is important to keep employees motivated and engaged. Disengaged employees are not productive or happy employees. In fact, research says that employees who feel valued and appreciated work harder and better. They are happier with their jobs and want to do well because they know they are being recognized for their hard work.

An employee of the month template can help you recognize and reward good performance among your employees. It can help build team spirit within the entire organization. You can use the template to send out emails to your employees and congratulate them for doing something great.

You can create an employee of the month certificate for teamwork and include a gift for employee morale and outstanding participation in collaborative activities. Again, you can follow our six steps to create this employee of the month certificate template:

1. Include the employee names on the certificate
2. State the reason for the award
3. Insert a personalized appreciation message
4. Use borders, colors, or images to make it look vibrant
5. Include the company logo
6. Print it out!

Employee of the Month for Innovation

The employee of the month template for innovations is one of our most popular templates. This template allows you to reward your best employees with recognition and appreciation. You can use it to celebrate the success of your team members every month and recognize innovative employees.

In addition to being a great way to show your appreciation, this template makes sure that everyone knows what you are looking for. With this template, you can easily find out who deserves special attention.

You can choose to award your employee of the month based on their performance, contribution, creativity, etc. If you want to keep things simple, you can simply pick someone who has been doing well lately. Or, you can go beyond that and look for people who have shown exceptional effort or achievement.

Creating a template for employee innovation is great for employee motivation.

Employee of the Month for Marketing Goals Achieved

Marketing departments are often tasked with keeping track of employee success. This can include tracking sales numbers, customer satisfaction scores, and even employee productivity. But what about those employees who don’t meet their monthly quotas? What do you say to them? Do you give them a pat on the back? Or do you let them know how much they suck?

The answer depends on whether or not you’re rewarding them for meeting their monthly targets. If you want to reward someone for hitting a goal, it’s best to create goal-oriented employee rewards and certificates. However, if you’re looking to acknowledge the contribution of team members who didn’t meet their goals you might lean toward an overall appreciation/teamwork template.

Employee of the Month for Healthy Habits

A lot of companies offer health care benefits to their employees, including gym memberships, massage treatments, etc. These are great perks and employees incentives, especially since many employers provide free food and drinks to help keep workers happy and productive. However, it seems like most companies don’t take employee happiness into account when offering such benefits. In fact, studies show that people who eat well and exercise often are happier and less stressed. This makes sense because eating well and exercising regularly helps you feel better about yourself and your life overall and results in more engaged employees.

If you want to encourage your employees to make healthier choices, consider giving out templates for healthy habits employee of the month awards. You could give everyone a prize for being a good example of healthy living. For instance, you might award one person every month who eats well and exercises regularly. Another option is to reward employees who go above and beyond in terms of helping others. This type of incentive works best if you’re able to track how much each individual contributes to the success of your organization.

Employee of the Month for Leadership

Recognizing leaders in an organization can improve employee engagement and retention. But how do you show appreciation to employees without making it seem like you’re trying too hard? An employee of the month template can help. This template includes three different ways to recognize employees — one each for managers, supervisors, and team members.

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Best Practices for Employee of the Month Awards

Employees are often overlooked during recognition programs. While it’s important to acknowledge accomplishments, it’s equally important to show appreciation. If you want to make your employees feel valued, consider creating an award program that recognizes individual achievements. This can help build loyalty among team members while encouraging others to perform better.

The best practice for employee of the month awards is to provide a clear description of how the winner will be recognized. For example, when I worked for a large financial institution, we had a monthly newsletter where each department could nominate one person for being outstanding. We included a brief description of why someone deserved the award and listed his/her responsibilities. In addition, we sent out an email to everyone in the organization thanking them for nominating our employee and sharing some information about him/her.

Make sure employees know what the purpose of the program is. When I worked for a small nonprofit, we set up an annual employee of the month contest. Each month, we posted a picture of the winning employee on Facebook along with a short blurb describing why he/she won. To encourage participation, we held a drawing where people could enter to win prizes.

When setting up the contest, think about the kinds of things that might motivate employees to participate. At my previous job, we gave away gift cards to local restaurants. People loved getting free food. We also awarded certificates for completing training courses. These types of incentives can help keep employees engaged.

Finally, ensure that winners receive appropriate recognition. We used to give our employee of the month t-shirts and pens. However, over time, many recipients didn’t wear the shirts because they felt like they were receiving too much attention. Instead, we switched to giving out certificates. They still got something tangible, but now they knew they weren’t just being honored for doing a good job.

1. Be transparent

Employee of the month is one of the most important awards in the business.

2. What does employee of the month entail?

The term “Employee of the Month” is used to recognize outstanding employees within an organization. This could mean someone who consistently goes above and beyond expectations, or it could mean someone who has been performing well for months or even years. Either way, it’s important to understand what makes a person worthy of recognition.

An employee of the month award shouldn’t just include a monetary reward. Instead, it should include a meaningful nonmonetary reward like a gift card, free lunch, etc. These types of rewards are often given out during special events such as company picnics or holiday parties. They’re also appropriate when you want to show appreciation for a job well done, regardless of whether it happened recently or several months ago.

For example, if you wanted to give an employee of the month award to someone who had been working hard for several weeks, you might choose to send him or her a gift card to a local restaurant where he or she enjoys eating lunch. Or maybe you’d prefer to offer a free lunch for everyone else in the office. Whatever reward you decide upon, make sure it’s one that conveys your gratitude and recognizes the individual’s efforts.

3. Include an award

Awards are great motivators. They help you recognize employees for their hard work and accomplishments. But they don’t just motivate people; they inspire them. In fact, research suggests that employees respond best to awards that are both meaningful and fun.

But what makes an award meaningful? And how do you make it fun? We asked experts for advice on creating meaningful and fun employee awards. Here are three tips to keep in mind.

  • Be original

If you want to give out meaningful awards, you need to come up with something unique. Consider giving away a prize like a trip overseas, a gift card, or even cash. These prizes aren’t common, so employees won’t know about them unless you tell them. You could also give out a certificate of appreciation or recognition. This type of award is usually given out during a special event or celebration.

  • Give it away

Giving away a prize isn’t enough. You also need to let everyone know about it. If you’re giving away a prize, consider sending emails to all employees, posting a notice on the office bulletin board, or distributing a newsletter. Make sure to include information about the deadline for submitting entries.

  • Keep it short
  • Make it public

Employee recognition programs are great tools for motivating workers. They help you recognize individuals for good performance—and encourage others to do likewise. But what happens when you make your recognition public? You increase the likelihood that people will see how well they’re doing and continue to perform even better.

There are many ways to recognize employees publicly. Here are three examples:

  • Social Media Recognition

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter provide easy opportunities for your organization to post photos and videos of awards ceremonies, job celebrations, special events, and other activities that highlight your employees’ hard work. These posts are shared widely among friends and followers, encouraging them to follow along and learn about your organization.

  • Employee Appreciation Day

If you hold an annual event where employees can come together to celebrate each other, such as a holiday party or picnic, you can use the occasion to recognize those who’ve done outstanding work throughout the year. This type of celebration helps build camaraderie within your team, while recognizing individual contributions.

  • Incentive Programs

5. Do an interview

Interviewing your employees of the Month is a great way to boost your company culture and employee happiness. This article shares 3 ways you can do it effectively.

# – Create a list of questions

Start off with a simple question such as “How did you feel about working here?” Then ask follow up questions based on what they say. For example, “What does your job mean to you?”

# – Ask open-ended questions

Open-ended questions are better because they allow people to talk about themselves without feeling pressured into giving specific answers. They’re also less likely to come across as manipulative. Instead of asking, “Where do you see yourself in five years?”, try something like, “Tell me about your career goals.”

# – Be prepared to listen

If someone tells you how much they love working there, don’t jump in and tell them how awesome they are; let them finish talking. If they mention something negative, make note of it and use it later in conversation.


Employee of the Month is a simple idea that can make a big difference in your workplace. If you want to boost employee morale, give out awards every month to employees who do something special for the company. This could mean anything from being helpful to customers to helping others within your organization. You don’t even have to announce it to everyone; just send out a small email to the whole office letting people know what happened.

The best part of Employee of the Month is how it makes your colleagues feel. When someone does something nice for you, it feels good. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re getting a pat on the back or a raise — either way, it’s rewarding. Plus, it helps build stronger relationships among coworkers.

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DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.

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