Feb 7, 2023 • 5 min read
Remote work is highly convenient for many as they can easily accomplish their task and manage their time in the comfort of their own home, saving on commute time and energy! Your initial transition as a new remote worker can have its ups and downs, but trust us! Your experience will be even better than working in the traditional office once you got the hang of it! DigiWorks provides five (5) ways to help you successfully fulfill your role even in your virtual work set-up.
Working from home might make all your responsibilities merge together, making it hard to compartmentalize. However, you need to keep your personal life distinguished from your professional character to avoid mixing your roles and enabling yourself to focus. DigiWorks recommends creating a to-do list, which will enable you to tick off each activity completed and give yourself a sense of focus and accomplishment.
Another thing that you can do is to set up a room as an actual workplace. That will help avoid procrastination by sustaining your work momentum. You can make your own office rules such as keeping your gadgets away, turning off your notifications, setting up breaks, or anything that will keep you from distractions. You can also communicate with your employers about giving you certain duties and expectations that will make you focus on a specific goal and increase productivity.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Remote work might seem as if you are disengaged or isolated from your colleagues as you are probably working in countries with different time zones. That is when a little effort will help, such as setting up short virtual meetings from time to time to update one another or learning about your coworkers’ lives. Take this opportunity to be friends with people around the world and appreciate them. Since DigiWorks has a diverse workforce, it will be great to learn about your colleagues’ culture, traditions, lifestyles, and anything that will make you feel more connected. Also, DigiWorks has certain platforms such as Slack, where you can freely share photos, media, and stories with your workmates. You can make conversations regarding topics beyond your work to easily build connections and even find friends with whom you can relate.
How does knowing your colleagues’ particulars help you excel in your work? Getting to know your coworkers will make you more engaged in your profession. Setting a workplace relationship will increase your interest in your work and will help you fulfil your professional roles better. Think of it as if it is a class and you are making friends with your classmates. Wouldn’t it be easier to show up in class and participate in activities if you have friends around? That’s right! It is the same with your workplace, virtual or not. It will increase your productivity and dedication to work better, as you feel more comfortable reaching out to your colleagues for any questions.
During your initial transition to a work-from-home set-up, there will be a lot of ‘Getting to know me’ phases. That includes understanding the methods and conditions that work best to efficiently adjust to your current situation. One of the ways to do so is by listing the things that work for you and what’s not. You can figure out the time when your work-life rhythm is high, meaning you are more productive and motivated to finish your tasks. You can also make different routines to help balance and sustain your dedication, productivity, and energy to accomplish your work roles.
It is easy to get up in your pyjamas and go straight to work, knowing that no one can actually see you when working from home. If this makes you feel ‘too at home’, you can try getting ready as if you’re going to your work office or find outfits that will help you move and work efficiently. You can also find foods or snacks that you can munch on to give you the energy to carry out throughout your day. This tip is actually more about self-reflection, but you can also communicate your thoughts with your colleagues to have more ideas to keep your setup better.
Scheduling your day helps you be more organized and focused on your goals. In adjusting to remote work, it is best to find out when you can perform better or have a clearer mindset. If your employer gives you a schedule, it is best if you can find ways to maintain your efficiency and motivation. There are certain techniques to help sustain your energy while setting up your work routine.
Sometimes your environment at home can be distracting. Perhaps, checking your phone for notifications might disrupt your productivity and keep you from finishing your tasks. If that is so, you can try the Pomodoro method to have enough time to complete your work and also establish short breaks from time to time. That will create balance and discipline, which will surely help you accomplish more tasks efficiently.
With DigiWorks, you can set up a to-do list together with your workmates, which will help you have a specific goal for the day. That is also a great way to sort out how you would want your schedule to go. As the case may be, you can include the most important and laborious works on top and put the least critical tasks at the bottom. You can also discuss your schedule with your colleagues and work together simultaneously.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Many circumstances come to pass while switching to a remote workforce, but it is best to always find a strategy to make things work out. In your first few weeks of working from home, you can point out some of the problems you have encountered. Afterwards, you can make a list of ways you can avoid or manage those difficult situations. This technique is about having self-awareness, as everyone might find every scenario differently. Remember that you will never know the answer if you don’t know the problem. So, before setting up the things that will help you, it is best to figure out the challenges that come with it. In a remote workforce, your home will be your office, so knowing the struggles and overcoming them will depend on you. You should over-communicate. Given it is a work environment where you are getting tasks from your team but you’re unable to actually ‘see’ your team aside from the meeting times allocated, you should over-communicate and set up calls where you have questions. Being motivated and keen is the most impressive thing you can do as a remote worker, and part of that is over-communicating and giving updates to your team on where you’re at, where you were and what you’ll do next (and any issues!).
DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.
If you’re looking for a more affordable and sustainable option you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed remote workers that can take care of all your business needs but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well.