
5 Tips For Measuring Remote Employee’s Engagement

Feb 15, 2023 • 4 min read

Measuring employee work engagement is one of the factors where traditional offices and remote work might differ. In an on-site office, it is easy to speak if the employees are productively working in their workspace. Some companies also measure productivity depending if the employee was able to fulfil their working hours. On the other hand, remote work focuses more on finished tasks and projects rather than the number of hours they logged in. Knowing if your workers are also working productively is a challenge among remote managers since they can’t visibly monitor them. Here are some of the ways to measure your employee work engagement in the remote setting!

1. They often reply to messages

One of the problems in remote work is you cannot expect workers to actively communicate with their colleagues, given that they work at different hours. In contrast to the traditional office where it is easy to go to your workmate’s table if you have some questions. That is why one of the ways to gauge your employee’s engagement at work is if they usually answer the messages and communicate well with their teammates. You would know that they enjoy interacting and collaborating with their colleagues if they always allot time to answer all their pending messages and regularly visit the group chat to greet everyone.

Ready to build your remote team?

Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.

2. They always passed projects right on time

The biggest advantage of working in a remote setting is having a flexible work schedule. You can always catch up on your personal errands and make time for work afterwards. Unlike in the office, if you woke up a bit late, you would mostly choose to just skip the day. That is why most remote workers can easily submit their outputs and fulfil their tasks. They don’t feel pressured that someone would scold them or they will receive a salary deduction if they are late. An employee who is engaged at work would always submit their work on time, or better, before the given deadline!

3. When they are always available

Remote workers who enjoy their time at work usually show up to work on typical working days and respond to their employers and colleagues right away. If anything comes up, they always let their managers know and move their regular schedule. Remote workers are not really required to answer rapidly since most of them prefer asynchronous work. But, you can tell that employees who are always open for discussion and join meetings are highly engaged at work. Nevertheless, employers would still manage their expectations and set boundaries knowing that everyone works at different hours.

woman working remotely as a virtual assistant

4. They always participate

Not only does an engaged remote worker always make time for work, but also actively participates and volunteers in activities inside the company. Whether it is organising a meeting, sending an email, or setting reminders, it shows that the employee is willing to take part in the company activities and help their colleagues. It truly shows how engaged they are in their workplace but also emphasises their loyalty to the company and their willingness to achieve the company’s goals.

5. They show interest in the company

If you give an employee a task, they would normally just do it the way you want it. But, if an employee is highly engaged in their work, they would most likely be going to ask for more details that would make the tasks or project more successful. An engaged worker always exerts effort in providing the best output for the company and would always make a way to exceed what was expected from them.

Although most information in the company is usually given, an engaged worker would openly seek more details in a very non-invasive way. This is their way of showing their interest and loyalty to the company they work for. It also helps them adapt the core principles and shared values of the business much better. You can guarantee that these are also the workers who would stay in your company for the long run. Most employees maintain enthusiasm and engagement when they build great connections with the company.

Ready to build your remote team?

Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.

Work Happily At DigiWorks

Assessing your employee’s work engagement is not a way to measure their productivity but also to understand if they are enjoying and loving their work. Workers would only be highly engaged in their work if they can see how well-treated, valued, and respected they are in the company. Here at DigiWorks, we give our employees the utmost support no matter what role they have in our company. You can guarantee that your productivity and engagement as a worker will increase, knowing how inclusive our teams are.

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DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.

If you’re looking for a more affordable and sustainable option you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed remote workers that can take care of all your business needs but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well.