Feb 9, 2023 • 9 min read
A resume is one of the most important factors when applying for a job. It doesn’t matter whether it is your first time sending an application or not, your resume should be presentable as it supports your level of competence. Employers can quickly identify what kind of employee you are based on how you organise your resume. You might think that you just have to list all the skills and experiences you possess, but it is more than just that. So, if you want to save some paper and create the perfect resume for a job application, DigiWorks lists down some of the best tips you should remember!
Most employers nowadays use automated systems like applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sort out good and bad resumes before they are forwarded to human resources. There are many ways to pass ATS, and some of it is by using the right keywords and customising your resume.
Unlike cover letters, resumes are limited in words. That is why being conscious and mindful of every word you will use is crucial. As much as possible, make your sentences compact and use keywords or keyphrases you think will easily pass the ATS. Choose precise words that are related to the role you are applying for. Perhaps, if you are going to make a resume for a virtual assistant position, ‘administrative’ is one word that ATS would look for.
Using scrupulous words will not just help you go through ATS but is also great in the eyes of an employer. They would know that you speak the same language and fit their company’s cultural standard, which increases your possibility of being hired.
You might think that constructing one resume will last you to several different applications, but this is often a misconception. Every time you apply for a different role and company, it is better if you would customise your resume based on the profession and your research. If you see that a company is looking for specific skills in their job description, then make sure to highlight those skills in your resume. Eliminate experiences and skills that are irrelevant to the role, and feature those that are necessary. These words used to describe your skills might also be the keywords that ATS are looking for.
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One common mistake in preparing a resume is indicating all the stories about every skill and job experience you have. Perhaps, that one time you volunteered to be a guide on a trip is not relevant to the position of graphic designer you are applying for. We are sure that you just want to impress your employers but eliminate those that will not significantly support your performance.
A good resume should have all information packed in just one page, but if you have plenty of relevant experiences, maybe three pages can be considered, but it is not necessary. If you’ve been working for many years, only add those between 10 to 15 years of experience prior to the date since employers will be most interested in your recent work. If you want to indicate some sentences to highlight some of your mind-blowing experiences, compress them into one or two sentences. Or, you can just use the interview process to be more in-depth about this information.
Adding a brief explanation of the important tasks you have done for your previous role adds value to your resume. However, don’t go too much into detail and only highlight the critical points. For example:
If you analyse the given sentences, the first one is very concise but doesn’t give much impact. The second one is more in-depth and moving but provides plenty of detail. Meanwhile, the last sentence is compact, but it gives out the action and the effect, only taking the essential points. It is important to provide some information to make you more qualified for the role without injecting too much detail.
One common mistake in preparing a resume is indicating all the stories about every skill and job experience you have. Perhaps, that one time you volunteered to be a guide on a trip is not relevant to the position of graphic designer you are applying for. We are sure that you just want to impress your employers but eliminate those that will not significantly support your performance.
A good resume should have all information packed in just one page, but if you have plenty of relevant experiences, maybe three pages can be considered, but it is not necessary. If you’ve been working for many years, only add those between 10 to 15 years of experience prior to the date since employers will be most interested in your recent work. If you want to indicate some sentences to highlight some of your mind-blowing experiences, compress them into one or two sentences. Or, you can just use the interview process to be more in-depth about this information.
Adding a brief explanation of the important tasks you have done for your previous role adds value to your resume. However, don’t go too much into detail and only highlight the critical points. For example:
If you analyse the given sentences, the first one is very concise but doesn’t give much impact. The second one is more in-depth and moving but provides plenty of detail. Meanwhile, the last sentence is compact, but it gives out the action and the effect, only taking the essential points. It is important to provide some information to make you more qualified for the role without injecting too much detail.
It is not wrong to use your old resume as long as you will update it based on new tips you have learned. Perhaps, indicating an “objective” or a brief sentence pointing out your career goals. That has been one of the most common tips before, but now, you can use this space instead to highlight your most valuable skills and reasons why you are qualified for the position.
You can also highlight your best assets after your contact information at the top of your resume. You can indicate some technical skills that will further emphasize the quality of your work and some essential soft skills like communication skills.
“References Available Upon Request” is also a little out-of-date now and a waste of space. Most employers don’t have the extra time, so they prefer to indicate professional references are already informed and ready. And if they need it, they know that it is easy just to ask you.
Not all employers have the time to read resumes word per word, so using action verbs will help catch their attention and connect your skills better. Action verbs might indicate your proactiveness and act of being initiative. Some of the action verbs you can use are: accomplished, accumulated, developed, maximised, and resolved.
There is no right way of formatting a resume, but a proper one would be easily comprehended and pleasing to the eye. There are specific ways to format a resume, which are as follows:
Another critical part of formatting a resume is choosing a font. We understand that you want to make your resume appealing, but using fancy fonts might not be the best choice. Remember that when you are applying for a job, you always have to be formal, whether it is for application, interview, or onboarding. It is the same when using fonts for formal letters and documents. Non-cursive or printed fonts are more likely to be used as they are more readable. Some of the best fonts to choose from include Cambria, Calibri, Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, and Courier New. You might also consider using sans-serif font as it is more readable for ATSs and is preferred by employers.
Additionally, one to two pages are enough to include all relevant information, work experience, and skills. Having clear lines on both sides of the pages is essential, so always justify your text. You don’t have to indicate colourful designs on your resume but making it eye-catching despite its minimalism is a great idea.
It might seem like everything is polished but double-checking is not bad. Reading your resume word-per-word is a great way to know if you still have some ungrammatical sentences or incorrect spelling. If you think you are all done, try to ask someone you trust to recheck it to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
If you are unsure if your resume is all good, especially if it is your first time submitting one, don’t hesitate to call for help. Whether it is a teacher you trust or a professional career coach, it will make a huge difference. It is also great if you can attend seminars or training that will help you with not just constructing a resume but also acing your interview is a significant factor. You want to ensure that you will get in and make a good impression, so better yet, make extra effort for it!
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Now that you know the do’s and don’ts of constructing a resume, you probably ask what information you should include to make the best resume! Don’t worry because the DigiWorks Team got your back.
If you are one of the aspiring candidates who wish to get a job in the remote world, try DigiWorks! We will help you find the most suitable company for your skills, experience, and expectations. We are partnered with plenty of successful and up-and-rising companies globally, and we can assure you that you’ll have a chance to get on one of them. Additionally, our team will help you ace your application for a higher possibility of being accepted!
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