Jan 18, 2023 • 9 min read
During the COVID-19 outbreak, many businesses have been forced to close down operations to slow the spread of the virus. This includes both brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers. While some industries like retail and restaurants have already begun reopening, others like healthcare remain shuttered. But experts predict that remote work will increase into 2023.
According to some remote work statistics, over half of respondents said they plan to keep working remotely once the pandemic ends. Of those surveyed, 34% said they plan to keep doing it indefinitely. Another 28% said they plan to do it for 3 months or less while another 14% said they plan to maintain remote work for 6 months or longer.
This trend is likely due to the fact that most workers prefer remote work because it allows them to spend more time with family and friends and less time commuting. In addition, remote work provides greater flexibility for office workers since employees don’t require physical space to conduct business meetings. Finally, remote work saves money for employers since it reduces office expenses.
The study also found that nearly 40% of respondents said they plan on growing their remote workforce once the pandemic subsides. Among those surveyed, 29% said they plan to add 10 to 50 employees, 22% said they plan to increase their workforce by 51 to 250 employees, and 18% said they plan to expand their team by 251 to 500 employees.
While remote work is here to stay and many more businesses are embracing a remote work model, we still recommend that you take precautions to protect yourself from COVID-19. First, make sure that your workplace is following proper safety protocols. Second, ensure that you have access to reliable internet connections and enough bandwidth to support video conferencing. Third, practice social distancing whenever possible. Fourth, use virtual meeting tools such as Zoom and Skype to connect with colleagues. Lastly, consider investing in a good headset.
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Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Productivity is rising, but exhaustion is growing too as work-life balance continues to decline. The average worker spends two weeks away from the workplace each year due to illness. In addition, employees spend almost half of their days in meetings, which increases the level of stress. They are spending more time responding emails outside of office hours. Meetings and chats are becoming more common even during the coronavirus outbreak. Workers are spending less time working collaboratively. And there is a lot of digital overloading.
The coronavirus pandemic is forcing companies across the globe to rethink how they operate. While some businesses are closing down entirely, others are embracing remote working as well as hybrid work arrangements. In fact, according to FlexJobs’ latest survey, nearly half of U.S. workers say they plan to continue working remotely even after the COVID-19 outbreak ends. And while many people think of remote work as something that happens during times of crises, it’s actually becoming a permanent fixture.
Companies like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and Uber have already adopted remote work policies, and more are expected to follow suit. But why do so many people want more remote opportunities? Here are three reasons why you should too.
1. You Can Stay Productive Even When Your Boss Isn’t Around
There’s no denying that having a boss around makes us feel productive. After all, we’re constantly being told what to do, where to go, and when to arrive. However, there’s nothing wrong with taking charge yourself. If you can manage to maintain productivity without someone breathing down your neck, you’ll find that you’re much happier overall.
2. You Get To Spend More Time With Family
If you’ve got kids, spending quality time with them is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Unfortunately, most parents don’t get enough alone time with their children. By allowing your family members to work from home, you can spend more time together. Plus, it gives you a chance to bond over video calls and virtual hangouts.
3. You Have More Control Over Your Schedule
This gives you a lot more time to spend on your personal life and really improves the overall employee experience. Remote flexibility allows you to optimize your most productive hours.
The world is changing faster than ever. Technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. And we are seeing the effects ripple across every industry, including retail, healthcare, education, transportation, manufacturing, and even agriculture. As a result, the way we work, shop, eat, learn, and play is shifting dramatically. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute, nearly half of today’s jobs could become obsolete over the next decade. This shift is already underway. But it won’t stop there. Tomorrow’s workforce will look very different from what we know now.
In his book, “Future Workplace,” author Peter Nowak predicts that many workers will choose to relocate to smaller communities because they want better access to local amenities like restaurants, schools, entertainment venues, and shopping centers and a remote model allows this tp happen. He argues that small towns offer better quality of life for families, and that these benefits outweigh the drawbacks associated with living in a larger city.
As technology and digital tools advance, some industries will continue to thrive while others decline. For example, the number of truck drivers is expected to drop by one million over the next 10 years. Yet, demand for skilled professionals in fields such as nursing, health care, and social work will increase. So, where do you think you will end up working? What skills will be most useful in today’s economy? How will you prepare yourself for tomorrow’s workplace?
The world is changing faster than ever. Technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. And we are seeing the effects ripple across every industry, including retail, healthcare, education, transportation, manufacturing, and even agriculture. As a result, the way we work, shop, eat, learn, and play is shifting dramatically. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute, nearly half of today’s jobs could become obsolete over the next decade. This shift is already underway. But it won’t stop there. Tomorrow’s workforce will look very different from what we know now.
In his book, “Future Workplace,” author Peter Nowak predicts that many workers will choose to relocate to smaller communities because they want better access to local amenities like restaurants, schools, entertainment venues, and shopping centers and a remote model allows this tp happen. He argues that small towns offer better quality of life for families, and that these benefits outweigh the drawbacks associated with living in a larger city.
As technology and digital tools advance, some industries will continue to thrive while others decline. For example, the number of truck drivers is expected to drop by one million over the next 10 years. Yet, demand for skilled professionals in fields such as nursing, health care, and social work will increase. So, where do you think you will end up working? What skills will be most useful in today’s economy? How will you prepare yourself for tomorrow’s workplace?
There are hundreds of online freelance platforms today. Some of them have been around for decades, while others are just beginning to gain traction. But there are some common themes across many of these platforms. In fact, it seems like every week another one pops up.
As the industry matures, capital continues to pour into new companies. Investors see the potential in remote employees and want to invest in companies that provide solutions to problems related to this trend.
In addition to being able to hire people remotely, these platforms make managing a workforce easier and offer tons of cost savings for business owners. They give you access to candidates 24/7, and they automate tasks such as onboarding, performance management, and payroll. One of these companies is DigiWorks. Not only does DigiWorks help to connect you with a global talent pool at a fraction of the cost, it also handles onboarding and payroll while also maintaining regular check-ins to ensure optimal productivity!
These platforms also offer tools to help companies better understand what their employees do. For example, they can tell you how much time each employee spends working from home versus the office. This information helps you decide whether it makes sense to pay someone per hour or per project.
Virtual interviews gained widespread acceptance among companies looking to reduce costs during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey conducted by job site Glassdoor found that nearly half of employers plan to use virtual interviewing at least once per week. Nearly 40% of respondents said that they had already implemented it within the previous month.
The most common reasons cited for adopting virtual interviewing included: reducing travel expenses; saving money on office space; and cutting down on employee turnover. Some companies even offered remote work options to employees affected by the virus.
Companies like Amazon, eBay, LinkedIn, Walmart, and Zappos have been known to conduct virtual interviews. Other companies like Microsoft, GE Healthcare, and Facebook have used it for internal purposes.
Candidates are generally happy with how the interview process has changed. They say that they feel more comfortable answering questions via Skype or Zoom because they don’t have to worry about being judged physically. Many candidates also appreciate having the ability to ask follow up questions without feeling awkward about interrupting someone while they’re sitting across from you.
There’s an increasing amount of technology available for conducting virtual interviews. Software platforms such as Zoom, Adobe Spark, and Camtasia make it easy for anyone to record and edit videos. These tools allow recruiters to quickly set up interviews and send them out to applicants.
A recent survey conducted by FlexJobs found that nearly half of respondents plan to continue working remotely into the next decade. Of those surveyed, 43 percent said they planned to keep working from home indefinitely, while another 35 percent said they intended to do so for several months. Only 12 percent said they expected to return to the office full-time within the next five years.
The majority of respondents — 81 percent — said they had no plans to change where they worked in the near future. A further 13 percent said they planned to move to a different location, while just 7 percent said they wanted to relocate to a larger city.
FlexJobs reported that most people who intend to remain remote tend to be younger, white, male and highly educated. They also tend to live in the West Coast region of the United States and earn $100K annually or more.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Remote work trends are changing rapidly, and it seems like there’s no end in sight. As technology continues to improve, remote workers are becoming more common. In fact, according to a recent survey conducted by FlexJobs, nearly half of employers plan to hire more remote employees over the next 12 months. This trend is likely to continue as companies realize how much easier it is to manage remote teams.
But while many people are embracing remote working, others still aren’t sure whether it’s worth trying out. If you’re one of those people wondering about the benefits of remote work, DigiWorks is a great place to start.
DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.