Feb 28, 2023 • 17 min read
HR outsourcing is one way for business owners to cut costs while still getting the benefits of having a human resource department. Outsourcing HR is an option for businesses looking to meet regulatory compliance without an in house team and while saving costs. Human resources is incredibly important for any business as it helps to ensure employee safety and happiness. Employees who feel happy and taken care of tend to stay loyal and this is a major business benefit.
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Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Human resource outsourcing is a great way to save money while maintaining high standards of employee performance. In fact, it’s one of the most cost effective ways to manage human resources as an in house HR team can be quite costly. When you outsource your human resources function, you give someone else responsibility for managing your employees so you can focus on core business decisions and growth. Outsourcing human resources services include payroll processing, benefits administration, training programs, recruiting, hiring, firing, compensation, etc. You simply hand over those responsibilities to another organization or dedicated HR professionals outside of your company.
There are many different types of HR outsourcing options available. Some companies use offshoring, where the entire process takes place outside the United States. Other organizations choose to outsource specific functions such as recruitment, payroll processing, benefits administration and others. Still others prefer to outsource the entire HR department by making use of outsourcing companies. Whatever type of HR outsourcing solution you choose, there are several things to consider. Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to outsource your HR function.
1. What does my current HR team do? Is there anything they don’t do well? If yes, what?
2. How much work am I doing myself? Are there tasks that I delegate to others? Do I spend too much time on administrative tasks?
3. Am I happy with how my HR team performs? Does everyone know what he/she is supposed to do?
4. Can I afford to hire additional people? Would it make sense to add more staff members?
5. Will I lose flexibility? Outsourcing your HR function might mean losing the ability to change staffing levels quickly. You’ll no longer be able to adjust your workforce based on seasonal fluctuations.
6. Will outsourcing HR functions give me more peace of mind?
There are three main types of Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO). They include:
1. Outsourcing HR functions – This type of HR outsourcing involves providing employees with access to a third-party provider to perform tasks such as payroll processing, employee relations, recruitment, training, etc. These third parties also handle employee benefit options and are responsible for employee development initiatives.
2. Outsourcing HR processes – This type of HRO involves outsourcing specific HR processes to a third-party provider. For example, an organization might outsource its performance management process to a third-party provider, rather than having an internal team manage it. Or they could choose to outsource employee morale initiatives to a third-party provider skilled in this area.
3. Outsourcing HR people – This type of HRO includes recruiting, staffing, and managing temporary workers. This can also include maintaining employee retention levels.
Human resource outsourcing provides numerous benefits to employers, including increased productivity, cost saving, improved employee satisfaction, and employee turnover. We’ve outlined some of the key advantages of outsourcing human resources.
• Increased Productivity: When you outsource HR, you free up internal employees to work on projects that require specialized skills and training. You can also reduce costs by avoiding hiring full-time positions. Instead, you can use freelancers or contract workers to handle tasks such as payroll processing, recruitment, performance management, etc.
• Cost Saving: Another benefit of outsourcing HR is that it helps you cut down on expenses. For example, you don’t need to pay salaries to people working in HR departments. By outsourcing HR, you can hire freelance professionals to perform those duties. In addition, you can avoid paying for office space, furniture, computers, software licenses, etc.
• Improved Employee Satisfaction: A third advantage of HR outsourcing is that it improves employee satisfaction. Employees often feel valued when they know that their job responsibilities are being handled by someone else. They also enjoy knowing that their employer trusts them enough to delegate certain tasks to another person.
• Better Customer Service: Finally, outsourcing HR gives you access to high quality talent. If you’re looking for a specific skill set, there’s no better place to find it than among experts in that field.
Payroll administration is an important component of every company’s human resources department. This includes calculating employee paychecks, paying employees, withholding taxes, and filing tax returns. Companies often outsource payroll processing because it requires complex calculations and data entry and there are several payroll experts to choose from when outsourcing. However, outsourcing payroll processing and payroll tax filing to a third party can lead to inaccurate information being entered into the system so it’s important to pre-assess your new team and make sure they’re competent and experienced.
There are several different methods of calculating payroll deductions, including manual calculation or online calculators. Depending on the method used, there may be additional fees associated with each deduction. For example, some employers charge an extra fee for each check written. Others require a monthly subscription fee. Some companies offer both options.
Outsourcing payroll processing to a third-party service provider will save you valuable time and money. A professional service provider will take care of everything involved in payroll processing, including calculating payroll deductions, entering data into the system, and submitting payroll reports. They will also handle payment processing, file taxes, and provide support for your employees.
Benefits administration is one of the most complex areas of human resources management. Employees are entitled to certain benefits like medical insurance, dental care, life insurance, disability coverage, retirement plans, etc. These benefits must be administered properly and timely so employees do not suffer financial hardship due to lack of coverage. This process requires coordination between multiple departments within an organization. For example, benefits administrators work closely with payroll department to ensure that each employee receives correct paychecks. They also coordinate with legal counsel to make sure that every policy is in compliance with applicable laws. These administrative costs can really add up.
Outsourcing benefits administration is common among large companies because it allows employers to focus on core competencies while giving them access to a pool of qualified professionals. Hiring full-time benefits administrators is expensive and difficult. Many organizations outsource this function to third-party vendors. In addition, many benefits administration firms specialize in one area such as group health insurance, dental coverage, vision care, long-term care, etc. Therefore, there is no shortage of providers.
The key question you must ask yourself is whether outsourcing benefits administration makes sense for your company. You want to find a provider that offers high quality service at affordable rates. If you don’t know where to start, here are some questions to ask:
What does my current plan look like? How much does it cost me per month? What happens if I change jobs? Does my current vendor offer flexible payment options? Do they provide 24/7 customer support? Is there a contract involved?
Do I need to use a broker? A broker is someone who helps you shop around for a benefit administrator. Brokers usually charge a fee for their services. Some brokers are just salespeople looking to sell you a package deal. Others are legitimate consultants whose sole purpose is to help you compare different vendors. Make sure you choose a reputable broker. Ask friends and colleagues about their experiences with brokers.
How experienced is the vendor? Look for a company that has been providing benefits administration services for several years. Ideally, they should have experience working with small businesses as well as Fortune 500 companies.
Is the vendor licensed? Licensing requirements vary depending on the type of benefits administration you require. However, almost all states require licensing for companies offering group health insurance. Check with your state regulatory agency to determine what licenses are required. Outsourcing benefits administration to a competent third-party can be a huge win for your entire team.
The IRS says it wants employers to know about certain employment laws. In April 2018, the agency sent out a list of what it calls “employment tax compliance reminders.” Among the items on the list:
• You’re required to pay payroll taxes, including income taxes, Social Security, and Medicare, along with unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation premiums.
• If you employ someone, make sure he or she receives proper compensation and benefits.
• Don’t use illegal tactics to discourage people from joining unions.
• Make sure your workplace isn’t unsafe.
• Be aware of discrimination issues.
• Keep records of employee hours worked and wages paid.
• Know where to find information about federal labor laws.
• And check out the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, and the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Outsourcing employee relations to a dedicated team helps you cut costs and free yourself from the burden of managing employee issues and employment paperwork. You don’t want to hire full-time personnel just to handle employee complaints. Instead, outsource it to an HR outsourcing firm or an online platform like DigiWorks. They’ll take care of everything – including setting up an employee handbook. This way, you’re able to focus on what you do best – running your business.
An HR outsourcing firm can help ensure that your policies are clear and concise. For example, if you offer health insurance benefits, make sure that your handbook clearly states how much coverage each employee receives. If you’re offering paid vacation days, make sure the handbook spells out exactly how many days off you provide.
Your employees will appreciate having a consistently written document that outlines their employment terms. Plus, you’ll avoid the hassle of reworking your policies every time there’s a change in management.
Hiring managers often don’t have enough time to review hundreds of candidates’ resumes and conduct lengthy interviews. And even if they do, it’s hard to find someone who matches what they’re looking for.
Recruitment outsourcing services are becoming increasingly popular because they allow recruiters to focus on finding great talent while saving money and time.
Here’s how it works. A recruiter submits a job posting to a third party agency. They receive dozens or hundreds of qualified applicants, screen them, and send those who match the requirements to the hiring manager.
The hiring manager receives the resumes and selects the best ones to forward to human resources. HR then sends the selected candidates to the recruiter for follow up.
This process saves both parties time and money. For example, if a recruiter spends $100 per candidate, he or she could save $1,500 over the course of a month. If a company hires 10 employees, that’s savings of $15,000 per month.
A recruiting agency typically charges about 30% of the hourly rate of the person doing the screening. So let’s say a recruiter screens 50 resumes at $50/hour, the agency would charge $7,500 ($150 x 50).
If a company pays $10,000 for a full-time employee, the recruiter would earn $5,000 ($10,000 – $7,500 $2,500).
If you’re looking for a more affordable and sustainable option you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed admin assistants that can take care of all your business needs but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well. Since DigiWorks’ talent are from emerging countries, the rates are much lower than the US minimum wage and you don’t have to deal with the risk of dealing with scammers or incompetent freelancers.
The term “performance management,” often used interchangeably with “employee review,” refers to the process of evaluating employees’ work habits, skills, and behaviors. This evaluation typically includes a 360-degree assessment of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. The goal of performance management is to help improve overall organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
In today’s fast-paced environment, it is important to understand that performance management cannot be done without proper planning. Without careful consideration, performance management can quickly become a tedious task that is never completed. In addition, there are many different ways to conduct performance reviews, each with varying levels of complexity and effort.
HR professionals must consider several factors when conducting performance reviews. These factors include:
• What type of performance management system do you want to use?
• How much time and resources will you devote to performance management?
• Will you outsource your performance management needs?
• Who will perform the performance reviews?
The hiring process can be long and tedious. You might spend hours checking a candidate’s social media accounts, credit reports, criminal records, etc. But it doesn’t have to take up too much of your time. There are plenty of third-party companies that offer background screenings and reference checks for free. They do the work for you so you don’t have to waste precious time doing it yourself.
Risk management covers a wide range of activities. It involves identifying risks, evaluating those risks, managing those risks, and communicating about those risks. You might think of it as a way to make sure you don’t lose money. But there are lots of ways to manage risk besides just making sure you’re profitable. For example, you could take steps to prevent accidents, protect people and property, improve safety, or even save lives.
Outsourcing risk management tasks to experts like ours can help you reduce stress and keep your employees happy. We’ll do everything we can to ensure that the work gets done properly and quickly. And because we’ve been doing this for over 30 years, we know what questions to ask. So give us a call today.
The use of drug tests should be done periodically during employment to ensure that employees are not abusing drugs while working. Employers must make sure that there is no abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs on the job. This includes checking for prescription medications as well.
A simple urine test can detect certain illegal substances such as cocaine, marijuana, amphetamine, etc. These tests are very easy to administer and can be conducted quickly. They are usually inexpensive and can be done without much hassle. However, employers must know how to interpret the results and what action to take based on those results.
EAPs are often confused with Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). They’re different. An EAP provides confidential support to employees who are experiencing personal problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, etc. In contrast, an EAP is a third-party provider that helps companies implement employee assistance programs. These programs help companies improve their culture and reduce turnover rates.
For example, you could offer a free lunch once per week to every employee. Or you could give out $100 gift cards to everyone once per month. Both of these ideas are great ways to boost morale and encourage healthy habits. However, neither of those approaches addresses the root cause of why people feel stressed.
An EAP does just that. By offering confidential support to employees who want it, an EAP increases productivity and reduces turnover. A study conducted by Gallup found that employees who received one-on-one coaching reported being happier and less stressed.
There are many benefits to implementing an EAP. For starters, here are some reasons why you might consider doing so:
1. You’ll save money.
2. Employees will appreciate you taking care of them.
3. You’ll build better relationships with your team members.
Outsourcing human resources (HR) services can help companies save money while focusing on core competencies instead of talent management or the heavy burden of paperwork and admin. But there are some challenges with hiring an external service provider. We look at what outsourcing HR entails, how it works, and the benefits and drawbacks.
Outsourcing human resources (HR) can save you money. If you are looking to cut costs, it might make sense to outsource some of your HR needs. You don’t have to worry about hiring and training full-time HR professionals, nor do you have to pay benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, etc. When you outsource HR, you can focus on what you do best – running your business.
Your HR department will still have the same issues as any other department. For example, if you want to implement a new employee benefit plan, you’ll have to go through the same process as you did before. You’ll also have to keep up with changes to state laws regarding employment practices. In addition, you’ll have to ensure that your outsourcer complies with those rules and regulations.
Outsourced HR workers can work much faster than in-house employees. They won’t have to spend weeks searching for information, or wait months for a policy change to take effect. Instead, they’ll be able to act quickly and efficiently. This means that you’ll receive better quality service.
Outsourcing Human Resources (HR) to an external provider can make sense if you want to reduce costs or improve efficiency. However, it can cause problems if you don’t know what you’re getting into. Here are some reasons why HR outsourcing makes sense and others why it doesn’t.
When you outsource HR, you’ll likely save time and money because you won’t have to do everything yourself. You’ll also avoid hiring additional full-time staff members. This saves you money and frees up time for other things.
If you use an HR outsourcing provider, you’ll be able to focus on running your business rather than managing employee benefits, payroll, and other HR duties. An outsourced HR team will take care of those things. In addition, they’ll ensure that employees comply with employment laws and regulations, such as providing workers’ compensation insurance.
An experienced HR professional can help you find solutions to common challenges, such as recruiting qualified candidates and retaining good employees. They can also provide guidance on how to deal with difficult situations, including layoffs, disciplinary actions, and terminations.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
HR Outsourcing has been around for ages and over the years has proven to be extremely useful for businesses of all sizes.
It can be a big decision to outsource your HR duties to a third party for the first time but the benefits are amazing – you can save a lot of time and money! If you’re ready to get started or still unsure and need a little more info or guidance in getting started, give DigiWorks a try for your talent acquisition needs!
DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.