Jan 23, 2023 • 11 min read
Productivity quotes inspire people to achieve great things. The key to productivity is life management and setting some actionable goals so you can get started on your path to productivity. Whether you want to improve your productivity or motivate someone else, here are some inspiring quotes to help out leaders, ordinary people, and just about anyone looking for some huge productivity gains.
1. “If you don’t build your future now, you might wake up one day and realize that it isn’t happening.” — Tony Robbins
2. “You’ve got to decide whether you believe in yourself or whether you live under the belief that somebody else does.” — Oprah Winfrey
3. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” — Peter Drucker
4. “I’m always trying to make sure I am better tomorrow than I was today.” — Bill Gates
5. “We must take full responsibility for everything that happens in our life. If we blame others, we cannot change anything.” — Dalai Lama
6. “There are no limits to growth because there are no limits to human desire.” — Steve Jobs
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These inspirational quotes can help motivate us to work harder and achieve our goals. Real productivity comes from positive attention, motivation, and setting goals in relation to our needs and abilities. We all know that we should strive to improve ourselves every day, but it can be hard to find the motivation to start doing something productive. Reading motivational quotes has been a helpful productivity technique for our team and we hope they help you too!
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Motivational quotes are great because they provide us with motivation to do something good for ourselves. They give us hope and remind us why we are here. We know that life isn’t always easy and sometimes it feels like there is no way out. But, reading quotes gives us strength and reminds us of how far we’ve come. Motivation leads to a higher degree of productivity for you and your team!
1. “You must find within yourself the courage to follow your heart where it leads you, even though you may not know the outcome.” – Bruce Lee
2. “The secret of happiness lies in taking full responsibility for everything that happens to us.” – Buddha
3. “If you don’t design your own future, someone else will define it for you.” – Jim Rohn
4. “When I’m feeling sorry for myself, I call up one of my heroes and say, ‘Hey, remember me?’ And they look down and go, ‘Oh yeah, sure.’ Then I realize that person doesn’t really care about me.” – Maya Angelou
5. “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – William Shakespeare
6. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein
Improved productivity is important for everyone. Whether it’s being productive at home, school, or work, we all want to do our best at everything we do. But what does “productivity” mean to different people? For some it could mean good time management techniques, for others, it could be positive habits of thinking and for other people, it’s simply how much you’re able to get done in a day. What makes someone successful? And why do some people seem to be able to achieve more than others?
We’ve compiled a list of inspirational productivity quotes from successful people. We would’ve loved to include everyone that inspires us but since we can’t, we’ve listed out some notable motivators who have been extremely successful like Dale Carnegie, Stephen Covey, Seth Godin, Franz Kafka, Nathan W. Morris, Alexander Graham Bell, Barack Obama, David Allen, Henry David Thoreau, Stephen Hawking, Susan Cain, Theodore Roosevelt and so many more! Read on to find out what motivates each person, and learn how you too can become more productive.
The productivity myth is one of those things we all know about, but it’s easy to forget how much work goes into being more efficient. In fact, there are dozens of factors that go into making us more productive, including our environment, tools, habits, and mindset. But, no matter what you do, some people just aren’t as productive as others. And while there’s nothing wrong with being less productive, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to fail at getting more done.
Here are five tips to help you become more productive.
#1 – Know Your Environment
If you want to increase your productivity, you have to understand where you spend most of your day. Do you use your computer for work or leisure? Is your office noisy? Are you surrounded by distractions like Facebook notifications? If you’re spending too much time doing unproductive activities, make sure you’re working in a space that supports your goals.
#2 – Get Organized
One way to increase your productivity is to organize yourself. When you’re organized, you’ll find it easier to focus on tasks and remember important information. You might start out organizing your desk, but eventually you’ll realize that your entire life needs to be organized. Start small by keeping track of your daily schedule and prioritizing your tasks.
#3 – Make Time For Exercise
Opportunity is important – there’s nothing wrong with thinking about opportunity. But don’t let it dominate your life, especially if you’re already doing everything else right. You won’t always get the chance to do something great. And even if you do, you mustn’t forget that luck plays a big part in success.
Don’t dwell on missed opportunities. If you fail to take advantage of a good opportunity, you might never get another one. Focus on what you could have done differently next time, rather than dwelling on what happened.
Opportunities come to those who prepare themselves for them. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think about what you want to achieve. It just means you should focus on what you can control, and make sure you’re ready to act on opportunities when they arise.
In the world of startups, there are many things we learn along the way. We meet people who inspire us, we see companies grow, and we even make mistakes. But one mistake I’ve seen over and over again is entrepreneurs spending too much time thinking about how to solve problems rather than actually solving those problems.
When you’re trying to build a startup, you often feel like you’re swimming upstream against the current. You want to do everything perfectly, but you know that no matter how hard you try, you won’t always succeed. So why waste time worrying about whether you did enough research or spent too much money? Why focus on perfecting every detail when you could just start building?
The truth is, if you spend too much time worrying about the things you cannot control, you’ll never get anything done. Instead, focus on doing what you can, and let the rest take care of itself. If you work on one problem at a time, you’ll find yourself moving forward faster than ever before.
So don’t think about something too much before starting. Just start. And keep going.
Tony Robbins says that we are our greatest asset. We are born into a world where we don’t know how to do anything. So we learn. And we learn by trying. But there’s one thing we often forget about learning: You must practice what you’ve learned. If you want to become a master at something, you have to spend lots of hours practicing.
But many people think that once they’ve mastered some skill, they can stop practicing. They believe that if they’ve been working hard enough, they’ll eventually reach perfection. But that’s not true. In fact, the opposite is true. When you perfect something, you actually lose your ability to improve. Because now you’re afraid to make mistakes. You’re afraid to fail.
If you want to become better at something, you have no choice but to keep failing. You have to keep making mistakes. You have to keep getting feedback. Otherwise, you won’t ever improve.
So next time you feel like giving up, remember Tony Robbins’ quote: “It’s not knowing what you don’t know; it’s doing what YOU know.”
Productivity expert Tony Schwartz says there is no magic formula to achieving success. He explains that it takes hard work, dedication, and focus to achieve success and consistent productivity. But he adds that once you do achieve your goals, you’ll feel incredible about yourself.
Schwartz says that many people are afraid to take risks because they don’t want to fail. However, he believes that we cannot avoid failure; it’s just part of life. Instead, he suggests that we learn how to deal with our failures and move forward.
He also warns against making unrealistic expectations. “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” he says. “You’ve got to pay for everything.”
Coco Chanel once said, “Success is always within reach.” In fact, she had it written down in her journal. But what does success really mean? What are the characteristics of successful people? How do we become successful? Is it possible to fail without being unsuccessful? These questions and many others like them lead us into a fascinating journey into the world of human psychology. The fear of failure is an enemy of productivity.
Some of my favorite quotes about success come from famous figures such as Coco Chanel, Napoleon Hill, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Oprah Winfrey, Charles Darwin, Maya Angelou, John D. Rockefeller, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and many more.
Meetings are very important to some companies. They’re vital to keeping employees engaged, focused, and motivated. But too much time spent in meetings isn’t necessarily good for you either. In fact, it could actually hurt productivity.
According to research conducted by Harvard Business Review, one hour of meeting time costs businesses $1,848 per employee, while each additional hour adds up to another $2,924. This doesn’t even include lost productivity due to distractions caused by interruptions during meetings.
So what does this mean for you? If you want to increase your productivity, make sure you don’t waste time on useless meetings. Instead, focus on activities that help you get things done.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Productivity requires discipline, organization, and conviction—all qualities that come naturally to some people while being foreign to others. In fact, there are many different ways to be productive, depending on one’s personality type. While it can be challenging to stay productive, there are many ways to motivate yourself to get back on track, and reading inspirational quotes and following successful people you admire is one place to start. We hope these quotes gave you some motivation and inspiration!
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