
What is Remote Work?

Nov 27, 2022 • 12 min read

What is Remote Work

Remote workers are here to stay. And we’re likely to see more companies adopting policies allowing employees to work remotely. In fact, some companies already do. But it won’t be easy. Here are three things you need to know about working remotely.

1. Remote Work Is Already Happening

In 2017 alone, the number of Americans employed full-time in the gig economy grew by 2 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Companies like Uber and Lyft allow drivers to work whenever they want, wherever they happen to be. They don’t have to report to anyone. This type of employment is often called “gig work.”

2. There Are Benefits To Working From Home

Working from home can be great for your mental health. You no longer have to deal with traffic jams, office politics, or co-workers constantly interrupting you. Plus, you save money on gas. A recent study found that telecommuting saves employers $4,300 per employee per year.

3. Remote Workers Can Still Be Productive

If you’ve ever worked from home, you probably noticed how much easier it is to focus without distractions. You might think that having fewer meetings and less face-to-face interaction makes you less productive. But studies show that productivity actually increases when you work remotely. Researchers believe that the lack of distractions helps remote employees concentrate better.

You’ll learn:

  • Five years from now, what percentage of the US population will work remotely?
  • How might remote work affect jobs that aren’t remote?
  • Will remote work cause companies to hire more contractors or more people outside the US?
  • Is remote working effective?
  • What does the future hold? A focus on flexibility

Ready to build your remote team?

Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.

Five years from now, what percentage of the US population will work remotely?

The idea of remote working has been around since the early days of computing. Back in the 1970s, people used to think that computers would never replace human workers. Instead, they thought that we’d all be sitting in front of our desks, staring into screens.

But things changed over the next few decades. We started seeing companies like Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and others embrace remote working and hybrid models. Today, many companies are looking at how they can make remote working a reality for their employees. And according to some experts, the future of remote working looks very different than it did five years ago.

In fact, some predict that within five years, one out of every three Americans will be working remotely. This doesn’t mean that everyone will be able to work from home. Rather, it means that more and more people will be able to choose where they live. They’ll be able to pick cities based on factors such as cost of living, quality of life, and job opportunities.

And while most people will still need to commute to work, those who don’t will likely use technology to help them connect with colleagues – fast internet access is a necessity for this. For example, video chat apps like Zoom and Skype will become even better tools for collaboration.

So what does this mean for you? Well, if you’re thinking about moving somewhere else, consider whether you’ll be able to work remotely or if you need an office space. If you decide to move, make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. You might end up spending less money, but you’ll probably spend more time commuting.

How might remote work affect jobs that aren’t remote?

Remote work has become increasingly popular over the past few years. In fact, according to a study conducted by FlexJobs, nearly half of American workers are now working remotely some part of the week thus embracing a hybrid work model. And while many people see it as a way to save money, the reality is that full-blown remote work offers several benefits, including flexibility, increased productivity, and better employee retention. But what about those employees who don’t want to work remotely? What does that mean for job seekers?

As companies shift toward remote work — both full-time and part-time — there will be an increased demand for products and services for suburban and rural areas. Companies will likely start offering partial remote work options for specific roles. This could include allowing employees to telecommute one day per week, or having a team member work from home three days per month. For example, Amazon recently announced that it plans to hire 50,000 seasonal workers across the United States during the holiday season. Many of these workers won’t actually live in the area where they work. Instead, they’ll spend the majority of their time commuting via public transportation, driving, or even flying.

And while most people think of remote work as being limited to tech workers, it’s becoming increasingly common among professionals in fields such as medicine, law enforcement, finance, education, and manufacturing. The trend is especially prevalent among millennials, who tend to prefer flexible schedules over office culture.

While remote work is still relatively uncommon in many industries, it’s already starting to take hold. A recent survey found that almost 20% of respondents reported working remotely at least once per week. And while the vast majority of respondents said they preferred working remotely, they cited concerns such as lack of communication tools and poor internet connection as reasons why they didn’t do it more often.

Will remote work cause companies to hire more contractors or more people outside the US?

Remote work is becoming more popular among employees seeking flexibility and cost savings. In fact, according to FlexJobs, there was a 31% rise in job postings related to remote work in 2017 compared to 2016. This trend is expected to continue.

Companies are increasingly looking to foreign workers due to tighter labor market conditions. However, many employers aren’t sure where to start when it comes to hiring remote employees. If this is the case, DigiWorks is an amazing platform that can get you started building your virtual team. DigiWorks will connect you with a massive talent pool, oversee the onboarding and payroll process and ensure performance outcomes and key performance metrics are met by conducting weekly check-ins and performance reviews.

Is remote working effective?

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular among employees across industries. However, many companies are still unsure about how to implement it effectively or how to even get started building their virtual teams. A survey conducted by FlexJobs found that nearly half of respondents reported having experienced challenges with implementing remote work successfully. For example, one respondent shared that he had trouble finding qualified candidates because people did not want to relocate. Another person noted that his team struggled to maintain communication during meetings.

The study also revealed that employees who worked remotely reported feeling less satisfied with their jobs than those who worked in office settings. This could be due to the fact that remote workers often feel isolated and disconnected from colleagues. When employees do not feel like they belong, they tend to experience greater stress and anxiety. In addition, the lack of face-to-face interactions creates a barrier for building relationships within teams.

While remote work can increase productivity, it can also cause problems. One respondent mentioned that she felt overwhelmed by the number of emails she received each day. She added that her inbox quickly became unmanageable, causing her to miss important deadlines.

Another issue that some employees faced was dealing with distractions and a loss of productivity. Many respondents highlighted that they had difficulty focusing on tasks because of interruptions such as phone calls and text messages. They also complained about being unable to concentrate without the presence of coworkers around them. Employee satisfaction and experience surrounding the matter has been mixed.

What does the future hold? A focus on flexibility

The future holds a focus on flexible work arrangements. In fact, it already is here. More than half of employees now work remotely at least some of the time. And according to Gallup, nearly one-third of workers are willing to move cities or states just to find better work conditions and higher job satisfaction. This shift away from traditional office environments is happening across industries, including retail, healthcare, technology, manufacturing, financial services, media and entertainment, and transportation.

In addition, companies like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber, Lyft, Pinterest, Slack, Twitter, and Zappos have shifted toward remote working. For example, in 2016, Facebook began allowing employees to work anywhere in the world, and today, about 20% of the workforce works remotely.

But while many organizations are embracing remote work, others aren’t sure what to do next. They’re trying to figure out how to best support employees who choose to work remotely, whether those employees are full-time or contract workers. They’re looking for ways to encourage collaboration among remote teams and foster innovation. And they’re concerned about the impact on employee productivity and employee satisfaction.

Ready to build your remote team?

Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.


In conclusion, there are pros and cons associated with remote work. Companies should carefully consider whether it is worth investing in remote work programs before making any changes.

Employees want to know how much freedom they have, and if they have less structure, they’ll sense greater autonomy and feel freer to take chances and innovate.

Flexibility is a key part of effective workplace culture. When people feel empowered to make decisions and pursue opportunities, they perform better and stay longer!

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About DigiWorks

DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.