Feb 16, 2023 • 10 min read
New hires typically experience a roller coaster of emotions, especially during their initial week at work. They are excited to work with new teams, thinking about the work expectations, and may be a little tense due to the pressure of having a new professional role. That is why this is the time when employers need to execute full support and love for their new employees, to help them welcome and embrace their new work environment and a new chapter of their life.
On their first day and during the onboarding process, sending a warm and thoughtful welcome message is as important as giving them an overview of their responsibilities. It will not just imply the warm culture of your company but will also lift their spirits, make them feel valued, and ease the unnecessary nerves they are feeling. DigiWorks provided some useful warm welcome message templates that you and your employees can use to welcome a new hire in your company and ensure that they are comfortable working with their new teams.
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Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
It is not always the best look for the company when employees experience a negative onboarding process. The initial days of employees are where trust and impression of the company are built up. If you want them to fully embrace their new professional role, fulfill their duties, collaborate well with other teams, and stay in your company, ensuring that they feel welcomed and appreciated is a must!
Creating friendship and trust with employees is important. Once they feel warmly welcomed by the whole team, it will be easier for them to work with their new co-workers and create bonds with them, which is important during team building and collaboration.
Creating teams that support one another is significant in many companies. It does not just help their business thrive but also allows the team members to be valued. Your employees would want to have a sense of belongingness in the group rather than just feeling that they are just an asset to your success. It’ll be easier for them to adjust to your working conditions if they feel appreciated by everyone.
As soon as employees start working in the company, they start assuming how their work life will be based on their work environment and co-workers. If they are greeted as soon as they enter the room, they will instantly feel the connection and would assume that the company handles its employees well. They would expect everyone to be friendly and to be surrounded by an inclusive and diverse atmosphere in their workplace.
One of the most important things when onboarding new hires is to introduce your company culture. In that way, the employee will have a clear vision of the organization they are working in and how things revolve around the company. Even with just a simple greeting or warm welcome message, they would easily know how well-rounded and excellent the company culture of your company is.
If your company has a friendly and outgoing reputation that values collaborative teams and engaging workers, sending a casual message is a great start. Here are some of the templates you can use for casual welcome messages.
While waiting you can take a look at the attached documents regarding the company profile to learn more about [Company name]. Expect emails regarding the other parts of the onboarding process and invitations on some of the platforms we’ll be using.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave me a message. We’ll all be expecting you with the virtual orientation later at [time].
As for now, kindly check all the documents regarding the company profile while waiting for the new hire orientation. I have attached all the files here for you to take a look at.
Jessica will be sending you the schedule of today’s onboarding process and the meetings you have to attend. While waiting, you can also take a look at the attached documents I have sent you regarding your job and the company. Don’t be shy to leave messages, I’d be happy to accommodate all your inquiries.
Before anything else, we have prepared some of the documents you might need to have a great start. The schedules of the meetings and events for the say will be sent to your email in a minute together with the invite links to our platforms. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or [another employee’s name]!
If your company values professionality, formal messages might be most suitable to welcome new hires. There are plenty of ways to send formal welcome messages without sounding too intimidating. Here are some of the templates that you can use:
Please see the attached schedule of the onboarding process and the PDF version of all documents to guide you with today’s agenda. Jessiva will keep in touch with you to answer your questions and keep you updated with everything. Please make sure to follow the guidelines and read the important documents before attending the orientation. Thank you and best wishes.
To start with, please check the attached documents and schedules to guide you with today’s events. All the invitations and links will be sent by our assistant anytime soon. You are free to utilize the message channels to reach out to any of the team members in case you have more questions.
We have Jessica from our Hiring Team to guide you with the schedule of the onboarding process. While waiting, kindly take a look at the documents we have forwarded to have a better view of our company information and the responsibilities of your new role.
Welcome messages don’t just have to be one to two-paragraph messages. You can also indicate detailed information about the company and their new role to get them started. Here is an example of how long a welcome message can be:
Hi [Name], welcome aboard!
Congratulations on making it as the new [Job Title] of the [Company Name] Team! We are all looking forward to working with you and we know that you will be a great addition to our team, especially with your special skills.
I have prepared all the necessary guidelines and information that will guide you throughout the whole week. Please review some of the documents I have attached to this email to help you settle for your new job. Let’s get working!
Company Information
Please take a look at the following attached documents to help you learn about [Company Name].
Your Onboarding Process
Your first month will revolve around the onboarding process. Starting on Monday, Jessica will be catching up with you to help you guide with the schedules and meetings. We will start with knowing your abilities, training, and building new knowledge. Every month, we’ll have a one-on-one meeting to check on everything you’ve been doing so far.
Apps and Programs
Our team is using certain platforms for documentation, communication, etc. Please make sure that you have received the invitation link to the following software applications. If not, please reply to this email so we can send the invitation right away.
Work hours
Our team is expected to be up and working from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 am. UK Time from Monday to Friday. However, you may complete the PTO/UL request and make-up time form in case something went up!
The invitation for our next meeting at 10:00 a.m. is already sent to your email. Until then, please read all the information from this email. You can ask us your questions on the call or reply through this email.
Thank you and have a good day ahead!
There are plenty of ways to ensure that your new hires feel appreciated and welcomed even with just simple welcome messages. The most important part of it is showing the genuine feeling of excitement to have them on your team! Nothing beats the feeling of being warmly welcomed as a new part of a growing team. Here are other things that you can do to make your messages more sincere and heartfelt.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Whether you are looking for a regular employee, a freelancer, or a part-time worker, DigiWorks will help you onboard, train, and manage your talents from all over the world. We have the most hardworking and highly-skilled candidates that you can hire in just minutes. With only minimal effort and lowest cost possible, you can get the best remote employees to help grow your company! If you want to know more about DigiWorks, book a free consultation with our team through this link here.
DigiWorks is an easy-to use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.