Dec 26, 2022 • 12 min read
Organizing isn’t always easy. Sometimes it feels like there are too many things to do and no way to prioritize them. But there are many reasons why we might feel disorganized. Being disorganized doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a messy person but sometimes it could just mean you’re overwhelmed, don’t have enough storage space, or could even be a sign of depression. Here are some common causes of disorganization in your work and living space:
1. Too much information
We often think that having too much information makes us organized. In reality, being overwhelmed by too much information leads to stress, anxiety, and feeling stuck. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with everything, try breaking down tasks into smaller steps. You’ll feel less stressed and overwhelmed in your daily life if you focus on a single item at a time.
2. Lack of structure
If you don’t know where to start, you won’t finish anything. Start small and build momentum. Make sure you have a place for everything and put things away regularly. If you have a messy house and want a tidy space, a good place to start is by creating a list of daily tasks for yourself. You need a plan of action!
3. Not enough time
When you have limited time, it’s hard to organize. When you have too much time, you tend to procrastinate. Try scheduling your day and sticking to it. Make a list of actionable items for yourself and allocate a bit of time for each item. In some cases, a life coach or even a mental health professional could be a huge help to you. However, if you’re a business owner and struggling to deal with everything on your own it might help to just get a bit of help. A Virtual Assistant is an affordable way to get you the help you need so you can have some organization and efficiency in your life while continuing to grow your business! You can delegate all your time-consuming, boring tasks and focus on the bigger picture.
Organization helps us live better, do our jobs well, and enjoy life more. We know that clutter negatively affects our mood and productivity. A cluttered mind and messy environment are huge blockers to productivity and wellness. Start small, and take your first action step to get organized. This could mean different things to different people. For some it could mean starting with a list of essential tasks, for others it could mean consulting a mental health professional and for other people, it could mean simply just asking for help and getting an extra pair of hands to help out when you’re overwhelmed.
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed when you walk into your house? Do you spend hours trying to figure out what to do next? If you answered yes to either question, you might want to consider decluttering your home. When we clutter our lives, we make things harder on ourselves. We become overwhelmed, and we don’t know where to start. But once we begin organizing, everything becomes much simpler.
The KonMari Method is a Japanese organization system developed by Marie Kondo. She says that there are three steps to her method:
1. Sort Your Things
2. Organize Them
3. Enjoy Them
Procrastination is one of the most common problems people face. It causes us to put off doing what we know needs to be done. We often find ourselves saying “I’ll do it tomorrow.” But tomorrow never comes. If you’re like many others, you’ve probably tried to deal with this problem on your own without success. You might even have tried some self-help books, hoping that they’d help you overcome your procrastination. However, there are several reasons why those methods don’t work. They just don’t address the root cause of the issue. So how do you stop procrastinating? Here are three tips that can help.
1. Write Down All Your To-Do List Items
The first thing you need to do is write down everything you need to do. This includes things like paying bills, cleaning out your closet, getting groceries, etc. Once you’ve written them down, set aside a specific amount of time to complete each item. For example, maybe you want to pay your credit card bill every month on the 15th. Make sure you schedule that time in your calendar. Then stick to that deadline. Don’t let anything else distract you.
2. Reward Yourself After Each Task Is Completed
Once you finish something, reward yourself. Maybe you could treat yourself to lunch or go shopping. Whatever works best for you. Just make sure you give yourself a little break from the daily grind. When you start feeling overwhelmed, take a walk around the block or watch a funny YouTube video.
3. Take Action Every Day
If you really want to change your life, you need to keep working towards your goals. Set small deadlines for yourself. For instance, say you want to lose weight. Instead of setting a goal of losing 10 pounds in one week, try breaking it up into smaller milestones. Say you want to lose 5 pounds in one week. Then, once you reach that milestone, set another goal. Continue this process until you achieve your final goal.
A person who is highly critical of themselves often believes that they are not good at something. They think that they cannot do it well. This causes them to avoid trying anything new because they fear failure. If you want to change your life, you must start accepting yourself just as you are. You must stop thinking about what you don’t know how to do, and focus on learning.
You must learn to accept yourself just as you are, even though you still have much to learn. Accepting yourself means being able to say “I am not perfect.” There is no such thing as perfection. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone needs to work hard to become better.
Accepting yourself does not mean that you have to give up on your dreams. Instead, it means that you have to keep working towards those goals. Don’t compare yourself to others; compare yourself to where you were yesterday.
If you continue to practice acceptance every day, you will eventually begin to see improvement. Your self-esteem will grow. You’ll find that you’re capable of achieving great things.
A lack of focus is one of the biggest problems small businesses face today. They often spend too much time trying to do everything themselves without delegating work out to others. This leads to overworked employees, missed deadlines, and poor customer service. If you want to grow your business and increase profits, it’s important to delegate some responsibilities to someone else. Here are three ways to improve your business’ performance by outsourcing certain tasks.
1. Hire a Virtual Assistant
Hiring a virtual assistant can help you manage multiple projects simultaneously, freeing up your time for other things. You can hire a virtual assistant remotely, allowing you to save money by working with someone closer to home. A virtual assistant can handle administrative tasks like scheduling meetings, managing email correspondence, and organizing files.
If you’re looking for an affordable and sustainable option you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed admin assistants, customer service reps, and content writers that can take care of all your business needs but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well. Since DigiWorks’ talent are from emerging countries, the rates are much lower than the US minimum wage and you don’t have to deal with the risk of dealing with scammers or incompetent freelancers.
2. Outsource Customer Service
You might think that having customers call you directly is the best way to communicate with them. However, many companies choose to use online chat platforms such as Zendesk because it allows them to respond faster and resolve issues quickly. Outsourcing customer service frees up your time for bigger priorities.
3. Hire a Freelance Writer
If you don’t know how to write well, hiring a freelance writer could be the solution. There are plenty of freelancers willing to take on writing assignments for a reasonable fee. When you hire a freelance writer, you no longer have to worry about grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Instead, you can concentrate on what matters most – growing your business.
The best way to deal with indecision is to make a decision. But how do we know what to choose? How do we even begin to sort out our options? In fact, there are actually four different ways to prioritize—Do, delegate, defer or ditch—and each one requires a slightly different set of skills.
In his book, “Prioritize,” author David Allen says that we often don’t realize just how many decisions we’re making every day. We might think we’re making fewer choices because we’ve delegated certain things to others, but in reality, we’re still making dozens of small decisions every single day.
Allen suggests that we use a simple framework to help us determine which tasks are most important and organize those into three categories: Do, delegate, defer or dump.
Here’s how it works:
DO – You want to accomplish something. If you’re looking to start a project, write a report, finish your dissertation or get fit, you’ll want to spend some time thinking about whether you really want to do it. This is where you figure out what you’re willing to put up with and what you won’t tolerate.
DELEGATE – Sometimes you need someone else to take care of a task for you. Maybe you’re delegating a chore like cleaning the house, or maybe you’re handing off a big project like writing a book or starting a business. Either way, you’ll want to consider the pros and cons of letting someone else handle the work.
DEFER – Sometimes you just don’t want to do something. Whether it’s procrastinating on a paper or putting off getting ready for bed, sometimes we just don’t want to tackle a particular task. For example, I’m terrible at remembering birthdays, so I tend to avoid planning my birthday parties. Instead, I hand over responsibility to friends and family members who love me enough to remember.
When we feel stressed, our bodies release adrenaline into our systems. Adrenaline makes us feel like we need to act quickly. In fact, it triggers the fight-or-flight response, causing us to either run away from danger or attack it head-on. This rush of adrenaline helps us perform well under pressure, but it can also make us feel anxious and even startle us.
A messy desk signals that you are feeling overwhelmed. You might think that having a cluttered desk means that you work better under pressure. But research suggests otherwise. Studies show that people who organize their desks tend to work better under stress because they know where everything is and don’t have to spend precious mental energy searching for something.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try organizing your home office and finding ways to keep things organized, such as filing papers and putting important documents in labeled boxes.
Remote workers are an important part of a growing number of businesses. They help employees work faster, improve customer experience, and save money. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to hiring one, DigiWorks is an amazing solution. The DigiWorks team will connect you with a global talent pool so you can find someone who is a great fit for you and your business!
Hyperfocus is a problem that affects many people. If you are one of those people, you know how important it is to keep focused on work. But sometimes, we lose track of our goals and tasks because of distractions. We end up spending too much time on social media, browsing Reddit, watching YouTube videos, or playing games. This leads us to procrastinate and fail to achieve our long term goals.
The good news is there are things you can do to prevent hyperfocus. You just need to ask for help if you find youself losing focus while working. Here are some tips to help you out:
1. Make sure you have enough time to complete your task.
2. Set realistic deadlines for each project.
3. Do not multitask. Focus on one thing at a time.
4. Try to avoid checking emails and social media during work hours.
5. Avoid taking breaks unless necessary.
Organization is something we all strive for. We want our lives to run smoothly, our homes to look neat, and our bodies to feel healthy. But there are some things that just don’t work well together. For example, you probably wouldn’t put bleach in your mouthwash. And you definitely wouldn’t let your kids play with chemicals like paint thinner. So why do we keep putting ourselves in situations where we could potentially hurt ourselves?
The answer is simple: because it feels good. When you’re surrounded by people who seem to know what they’re doing, you start to believe that you must be able to do the same thing. You start thinking that you’ll never make mistakes again. This is called social proof, and it affects us every day.
Social proof is one reason why people buy houses in neighborhoods filled with other homeowners. They think that everyone else is making smart decisions, so they assume that they must be too. Social proof is also why we go out of our way to avoid getting into accidents. If someone else got hit, maybe I won’t either.
But social proof isn’t always positive. In fact, sometimes it can turn into negative self-fulfilling prophecies. Imagine how many times you’ve heard stories about people who bought a house based solely on the number of neighbors who had already moved in. Or how much money you’ve spent trying to find a job because you saw another person landing a great position.
So next time you’re tempted to follow others blindly, try stepping away from the crowd. Instead of buying a house because your neighbor did, ask yourself whether you really need to live in that neighborhood. Do you really need to hire that friend? Can you afford to spend your life following someone else around? And instead, surround yourself with competent people who can help you out of your disorganization slump!
Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.
Organization is key to feeling good about yourself. If you are disorganized, it affects how you think and act, and it makes you less effective in life. You might even find that you become depressed because you don’t know where anything is.
If you’re looking to organize your life try out some of our suggestions above. And don’t forget that it’s okay to ask for help when you’re feeling overwhelmed. You’re only human and we can all use a little bit help every now and then.
DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.
If you’re looking for a more affordable and sustainable option you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed remote workers that can take care of all your business needs but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well.