
The Best Weekly Schedule Templates That Will Help You Organize Time

Jan 20, 2023 • 11 min read

A weekly schedule template is one of those things every entrepreneur needs to keep track of. If you don’t know how to do it, there are plenty of free weekly schedule templates out there. It is basically a more detailed and well-managed to-do list for your team. But what makes a good weekly schedule template? Here are some tips to help you find the best ones.

1. Look for a Template That Works With Your Business Model

If you’re running a small business, you’ll want a template that helps you keep track of your weekly tasks and that works well with your model. For example, if you sell products online, you might want to use a template that includes sales reports, marketing plans, and inventory tracking. If you run a restaurant, you might want to include daily specials, menu planning, and reservations. Whatever your industry, make sure that your template aligns with your business model. There are plenty of customizable templates out there you can use for your specific business needs and goals.

2. Consider What Information Is Important To Track

Once you’ve chosen a weekly template that fits your business model, look into what information you’d like to track. Are you interested in tracking customer feedback? How about employee performance reviews? Do you want to see how much money you spent on advertising each month? Once you’ve identified the data you want to track, decide whether you’d like to enter it manually or automatically on Googles Docs, Google Sheets, or your preferred platforms. Some templates allow you to choose between both manual and automatic options.

3. Choose a Template That Fits Your Needs

When choosing a template, consider how often you plan to update it and how frequently you’ll access it. If you’re updating it once per day, you probably want a simple template. However, if you plan to change it several times per week, you’ll likely want something more robust. Also, think about how much space you have available on your computer screen. If you have limited room, you might want to opt for a smaller template.

You’ll learn:

  • How Do You Use a Weekly Schedule Planner?
  • How Do You Make a Weekly Schedule?
  • Free weekly planner template options available online

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How Do You Use a Weekly Schedule Planner?

A weekly planner is a great way to keep track of everything you need to do each week. In fact, it’s a great tool for time and task management. But how do you use a weekly planner? What does it look like? And what tools do you need? The goal is to optimize your weekly to-do list so your business and team can operate more efficiently and effectively.

A weekly schedule planner is a good way to set a weekly agenda for your in-office or virtual team. If you’re still having trouble organizing your team and their schedules you might consider making use of a hiring platform like DigiWorks. Virtual assistant companies or platforms like DigiWorks are amazing as they not only match you with pre-vetted and assessed admin assistants who can manage your weekly calendar and other organization needs for you but they will also handle all onboarding and payroll needs as well. Since DigiWorks’ talent are from emerging countries, the rates are much lower than the US minimum wage and you don’t have to deal with the risk of dealing with scammers or incompetent freelancers.

How Do You Make a Weekly Schedule?

Creating a weekly schedule is easy even if you’re new to planning. There are many readymade schedules available online. You can easily customize any one of those to suit your needs. If you want something custom, there are many tools out there that help you make your own schedule. Here are some tips on how to do it yourself.

1. Set up a calendar. This is the easiest way to plan your week. Use a free app like Google Calendar or Apple iCal. Or use a web tool like Outlook.com/Hotmail. You can even get started on Google Docs or Google Sheets for a basic template.

2. Decide what days you work. A good place to start is Monday through Friday. But don’t limit yourself to just five days. Try adding extra days to accommodate holidays on your weekly templates. For example, Thanksgiving falls on Thursday this year. So add Wednesday, too. Then figure out what hours you’ll be working each day.

3. Determine what tasks take priority over others. Some things must happen every week. Other items can wait a few weeks. Think about what’s most important to you and your team. And remember to factor in time off. What are your most urgent weekly tasks?

4. Create a list of everything else you need to accomplish.

There are many free weekly planner template options available online. Here are some popular ones:

#1. Calendarpediacalendars.com

The folks at calendarpedia.com have put together a collection of weekly calendars that cover pretty much every topic imaginable. You’ll find everything from personal planners to travel guides to even “how to draw a dino.” And while most of these weekly calendars are free, you can pay $5 per month to unlock premium features like custom themes and color schemes. However, if you’d rather stick to the basics, you can always download one of the free templates.

#2. My Weekly Calendar

This template is perfect for people who want to plan out their week in a very specific way. Instead of simply listing down each day, this template allows you to choose exactly how many days you want to go into detail. For example, you could say that you want to list out every weekday, every weekend, every holiday, etc. This makes it easier to see what you need to accomplish throughout the week and helps you avoid forgetting anything important. Plus, since this template includes holidays, birthdays, and special events, you won’t ever miss anything.

#3. Simple Planner

If you’re looking for a simple planner that doesn’t require too much customization, this template might be perfect for you. It’s completely blank, so you can customize it however you please. If you’re someone who needs to write things down quickly, this is probably the best option for you. Simply fill in the blanks with whatever information you need.

#4 Microsoft Schedule Templates

Microsoft offers free templates that you can use to schedule meetings, events, and appointments online. You can download the templates directly from the Office 365 portal.

The templates include meeting invitations, event invites, appointment requests, and much more. They come in different sizes and formats. Some templates require additional customization. For example, you might want to add a photo or change the color scheme. However, most templates allow you to make changes quickly and easily.

Creative Templates from Canva

Canva is a free online tool that allows you to design professional-looking graphics quickly and easily. You don’t even need to know how to use Photoshop or Illustrator. In fact, there are over 50 different types of templates to choose from. All you do is add text and images to each template and it automatically creates a beautiful graphic for you.

The best part about Canva is that you can edit the templates once they’re done. So you can make changes like adding borders or changing colors. This makes designing graphics quick and simple. Plus, you’ll never run out of ideas thanks to the vast library of pre-made designs. This is a good way to make the weekly work schedule look fun and interactive.

Here are some of our favorite templates from Canva:

1. Birthday Card

2. Business Cards

3. Calendar Template – which can be used as a daily planner or monthly calendar


OnPlanners offers a huge selection of free printable weekly planner templates that are perfect for your weekly goals, college students, and goal planners for businesses. . There are different types of planners like weekly schedules, monthly planners, and many more. You can create your own daily schedule template layout or choose from hundreds of pre-designed ones.

You can download the template you want and edit it according to your needs. Set your chosen time intervals, insert employee shifts, have a section for meeting notes, and so on. If you don’t know how to do it, we’ll help you out.


Pinterest is a social media site where people pin images, videos, articles, and web pages to boards. You can follow anyone, like anything, comment on things, and even write about your interests. If you want to find out how many followers someone has, just type in “followers Pinterest.”

You can use Pinterest as a creative option to plan events, organize projects, and keep track of recipes. You can also make a board called “Weekly Planner,” and add pins to it every day. This way, each week you’ll have a visual reminder of everything you’ve planned and done throughout the entire month.

To start creating your own planner, go to www.pinterest.com/weeklyplanner. There are five ready-made templates to choose from, including one that looks like a traditional calendar. Each template includes space for your weekly agenda, notes, dates, and times. You can also customize the colors and fonts if you do not like the original weekly planner layouts.

Once you pick a template, you can either print it out yourself or download it directly into Microsoft Word. Just select “save image” and save it to your computer. Then open up Word and paste the image into the document. Printable planners are great to stick on the office wall so everyone can clearly see the task list.

Google Docs

There’s a tutorial on YouTube.Weekly Schedule Template for Google Docs.

Google Docs makes it easy to plan out your week ahead of time. You can use templates to help you organize your tasks into categories like Work, Home, Family, Friends, etc., and even set up recurring reminders to keep track of things throughout the day. This free template includes everything you need to start planning your next week.

If you want a template that’s more data-heavy, you may want to consider using Google Sheets instead of Google Docs! Both are free and super user-friendly!

Weekly Calendar Templates from Smartsheeet

Weekly calendar templates are easy to set up and customize. They come in many different format so you can choose what fits your needs best and easily plan your entire week. You can download them directly to Smartsheet or export them to other programs like Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, etc.

Employee Schedule Template allows you to organize your employees’ daily work activities into one simple document. This tool helps you to plan your day efficiently and save lots of time. You can use it to manage your staff schedules, assign tasks to each team member, outline weekly goals and see how much time each task takes.

The application includes several features such as:

• Add multiple shifts per week

• Create different types of shifts (day shift, night shift, weekend shift etc.)

• Set start and end times for every shift

• Assign specific tasks to each team member


A calendar is a great way to get started on your employee schedule template. But it doesn’t always work well for everyone. Some people like to use a printable calendar while others prefer digital calendars. If you’re one of those people who likes to use a printable calendar, you might want to try out TimeCamp. This free app allows you to set up a weekly schedule and automatically sync across multiple devices. You’ll never forget another important meeting again!

TimeCamp works best for people who are busy and don’t have much time to manage their schedules. It’s designed to make managing your week easier, whether you’re working full-time or just running errands around town. You can easily add events, meetings, tasks, and appointments to your schedule. And since it syncs across multiple platforms, you won’t miss anything.

You can even customize your schedule based on what day of the week it is. For example, if you know you usually start your day off strong, you could plan to do some exercise every Monday morning. Or maybe you’d rather spend your weekends relaxing, so you could plan to do less work during the weekend. Whatever the case, you can adjust your schedule to fit your needs.

The best part about TimeCamp is that it’s completely free. There are no ads or hidden fees. Just download the app, sign up, and start scheduling.

Ready to build your remote team?

Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.


A weekly schedule planner helps you manage your life better. You schedule events, appointments, and reminders. You plan ahead. And you keep track of what you did and where you went.

Calendar apps and templates help you organize your day and your life. They’re designed to help you plan ahead, and they’ll even remind you about things you need to do later. With a few simple tools, you can set up a calendar that works best for you.

Start planning today!

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About DigiWorks

DigiWorks is an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.