
Virtual Games To Do With Remote CoWorkers During Breaks

Feb 16, 2023 • 6 min read

If you think that the remote work environment doesn’t require having a company culture, that is certainly wrong! It is actually quite the opposite. When you have distant teams, having thorough communication that allows them to understand each other, have fun times together, and have casual conversations is important. It is even more essential than working with in person employees since remote teams don’t have access to a snack room or a coffee area where they can casually talk to each other, so they always find ways to be more connected.

The best thing that you can do for your team members to be connected to each other is by having happy hours during breaks. Going to an excellent restaurant or bar might not be an option, but there are plenty of ways to make virtual meetings more exciting and enjoyable.

Having fun and enjoyable moments with your remote teams doesn’t have to be every day it can be on Friday after work or first thing on Monday to boost their energy. You can also make a survey to know their availability to ensure that everyone can join. It is an excellent idea to talk about non-work-related topics and play fun games that will help your employees be more connected to each other and have fun at work!

You’ll learn:

  • How to organise fun times virtually?
  • List of Virtual Games For Happy Hours!

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How to organise fun times virtually?

There are plenty of ways to organise fun meetings with your employees. You can also open this up for them to gather more suggestions that would make it more exciting. Here are some steps to successfully organise fun times virtually!

Step 1: Find the right platform

The first thing that might pop into your mind when talking about virtual meetings is Zoom or Google Meet. However, those platforms are already often used for work related meetings and your employees probably don’t find it as fun anymore. For virtual happy hours, you might want to find a platform that is more interactive and has a wide range of features that are enjoyable, such as Remo, Hopin, Whova, or Hubilo. Other things to consider when finding a great platform is your budget and your employee’s preference.

Step 2: Plan the whole event

It is not all the time that remote teams gather together in one virtual meeting and have fun at work, so might as well ensure that there is no dead air throughout the whole event. You can plan out everything from the opening statements, topics you can talk about, and games that you can play. Again, it is best to gather your employee’s suggestions so you can have more ideas. Remote team members came from different countries, it is also the best time to know more about their culture and background and ensure that they will feel well-loved and valued by their teammates.

Step 3: Provide food and drinks

Happy hours mean having great food for in person teams. But, you can certainly make that happen even while working remotely. It might be complicated and costly to send snacks to different countries but you can always find alternative ways, such as sending gift cards or extra money to their recent salary for them to buy their favourite snack. You can also ask them to introduce unique dishes and drinks from their country to allow cultural appreciation among remote teams.

Step 4: Schedule it!

Remote teams are always busy and focused on their work, which is why most of them prefer asynchronous communication. If you want your happy hours to be attended by all your employees, it is best to schedule it when the workload is quite low and everyone has plenty of free time.

List of Virtual Games For Happy Hours!

1. ‘Get to know you’ questions

This is the best game to do with remote teams, especially during the start of your business. Everyone is eager to know their workmates, and there is no better way but to give them questions that will allow them to showcase their personality and background. Make sure that the questions are light and not invasive, for reference, you can take a look at the following questions:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
  • What is your favourite song?
  • What is your favourite meal?
  • What are the names of your pets?

2. Trivia

Have you heard about guessing the celebrity, guessing the music, or other guessing games? That is one of the most exciting games that you workmates will surely enjoy doing. If you have Filipino employees, you can also ask them to introduce Pinoy Henyo, a famous trivia game in the Philippines.(Pinoy Henyo is making a person guess a word by asking questions, but their partner can only answer yes, no, and maybe)

3. Fun Quizzes

Your employees probably know quizzes during their school days, but it can also be done during fun work hours. You can use this quiz to help your employees understand the culture of their co-workers. When your employees already know each other well, you ask for facts about them to put in the quiz and find out who knows everybody the most. You can also ask questions about facts from different countries! Here is some examples of questions you can ask:

  • What country is the largest producer of macadamia nuts?
  • What country has the largest population in Africa?
  • What is the most famous drink in the UK?
  • It is the home of the longest subterranean rivers in the world?

4. Talent Contest

Everyone has a talent, whether it is by singing, dancing, writing a poem, painting, or playing musical instruments. There is no better way to celebrate and appreciate your colleagues than by allowing them to showcase their talent.

5. Charade

Charade is by far one of the most enjoyable games that friends do during sleepovers or parties. It is also one of the best games to make sure that your employees are having fun. Charades is letting someone guess a word but their partner has to act it out to describe it rather than saying a word.

Ready to build your remote team?

Use the DigiWorks platform to hire, manage, and pay remote talent from all over the world.

Have Fun With The DigiWorks Team!

Do you want to find some of the most awesome workmates around the world? Find them here at DigiWorks! We have the most amazing talents from countries like South Africa, Nigeria, and the Philippines, whom you will surely enjoy working with. They have the best personalities and will help you excel professionally! Moreover, you can do all the fun games included in this article with them! Never miss a chance to work with some of the most exciting people and companies through DigiWorks.

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DigiWorks is an easy-to use platform that helps small businesses and start ups hire amazing remote talent from around the world. DigiWorks offers a way for you to hire, manage and pay people from all countries. If you find an amazing virtual assistant from Philippines, a content writer from Nigeria, or operations manager from South Africa – manage and pay your entire team from one platform with no hassle.